Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Model

In much of the information that I have read pertaining to building a boat I have read that it is a good idea to make a model of the boat to get a good idea of how to do it and what it will look like when it is three dimensional.    I looked around on the internet and found a couple of really nice examples of the boat that others have built.  Using those examples I made a model of the Featherwind.  It is 1/6 scale (30 inches).  All rigging is to scale also.  I made it from 1/8 inch door skin and a hot glue gun.  I painted it to the color scheme that I am going to paint the boat.  It was easy and it helped to see how it would be put together.  I did leave out the chines a gunnels for simplicity sake.  I liked what I came up with and I went on with the build.  I have found that many other builders do the same.  Some of the models are very elaborate with all of the rigging including the blocks.  Here are a few of the examples that I drew inspiration from.  Pictures of my model coming soon.
Sea-Angel from

unknown builder

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