Friday, June 8, 2012

The Model 2

Here are the before mentioned photos of the model that I built.  It is not exactly as I am going to build it.  I am going to have a Michalak style rudder, leeboard, and partner.
  Jim Michalak has a very good book( Boatbuilding for Beginners(and beyond).  I highly recommend this book to the novice builder.  It has plans for his Mayfly 14 sailboat in it as well as some other boats.  His website is  He has many of his other plans on the Duckworks website. This can be found in my Favorite Links section.  I am going to use the sail rig that Bolger prescribed in his plan drawings with the exeption of making it into a Solent lug/ gunter rig so that I can stow all of the spars within the length of the boat for trailering.  I am also going to use the balanced club jib but will change it if it is not to my liking.

Good pic of leeboard on a Mayfly 14

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